The presence of a modern ventilation system in the room does not necessarily mean high air quality. If you neglect dryer vent cleaning and disinfection procedure of ventilation systems, dirt of various origins will accumulate in the air ducts. In addition, this procedure is mandatory for organizations, and it is necessary to clean the air ducts of ventilation systems at certain intervals.
Reasons for the deterioration of ventilation functions
Air is supplied into the room through air ducts. Small debris, dirt, cobwebs, and dust penetrate and settle in them with the air. If we talk about food production, then fat particles are added to this list. It is impossible to stop the gradual process of pollution, but you can periodically clean the air ducts to maintain the functionality of the system and create a healthy climate.

What is the need for cleaning?
Fat and dust accumulated in the system create a favorable environment for the growth of various microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and dust mites. People in the room, at the same time, have an increased risk of developing allergies or chronic diseases. Microbes from air ducts freely spread to all nearby rooms, causing people to get acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.
Another negative aspect is the accumulation of dust, which increases the risk of fire. Even with a small fire, the fire easily engulfs all rooms connected to each other by ventilation communications. Air duct cleaning in a cafe or restaurant is especially important, where the accumulation of dust and grease can easily detonate a fire.

The third reason for cleaning ventilation ducts is the reduced functionality of equipment clogged with dirt. Deposits on the internal cavities of the ducts interfere with normal air movement, and the productivity of the system decreases significantly.